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Yellow tail light flashing AFTER bird switched off!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2018
Just came back from a perfect flight, switched the bird, controller and phone off and started packing everything away when I noticed that the tail light was flashing yellow. I’d already turned the Mavic off but the light was still flashing yellow!
I’ve not seen this before, any ideas what this means / why it’s happening?
Never seen that.

My guess is your timing on the power button was slightly off and, while you thought you turned off your MP, you really didn't and it was still powered up.
This happens to me frequently.
I've noticed it does not happen on the stock battery pack but when I fly
with an aftermarket pack.
Specifically a PowerExtra DL-UAV-002
I have flown two different identical aftermarket batteries (same type noted above)
And have this happen periodically when flying those packs versus the stock pack.
It's NOT a timing issue or it not being turned off.
When you shut down the Mavic just after a flight the rear light continues to flash yellow. (not at full brightness)
and the two red forward facing LEDS are on and glowing dimly very dimly.
Powering the Mavic back up then shutting it down makes it go away.
It never happens on the bench when powering up the Mavic then powering it off.
I only see it happen after an actual flight outdoors.
I'll try and get a video of the event next time it happens.
Finding this thread or issue via google searches or even a search here on the forum is very difficult
to find amongst all of the other "yellow light" related threads that are not this issue.
I'm also running older firmware on the Mavic.
happens to me now and then try to power it off without mispressing lol..
I have flown two different identical aftermarket batteries (same type noted above)
And have this happen periodically when flying those packs versus the stock pack.
It's NOT a timing issue or it not being turned off.
When you shut down the Mavic just after a flight the rear light continues to flash yellow. (not at full brightness)
and the two red forward facing LEDS are on and glowing dimly very dimly.

Then those aftermarket batteries are **** and don't cut power as they should...
Sorry if you don't get the press then press again right and you keep doing it being impatient that's how i make my mavic do that same thing..
i have seen it happen to both the power extras and the oem batts.
I've encountered my P3 delay powering down after shutting off the battery. That usually happened if something was off kilter or after downloading flight logs.
The Mavic might be doing some file housekeeping, perhaps other housekeeping.

Obviously the DJI drones can keep the battery on when commanded to power off.

Now that I think of it, even when the P3 AC delayed powering off, the battery LED blinked.
A delay is normal yes, usually a couple of seconds but in some cases especially if you forgot to stop video recording it will take 10 seconds or more to stop recording, close files and shutdown cleanly.

But the behavior he reported with aftermarket batts where LEDs stay lit only dimly and not fully shutting down until he power cycles is not normal, those batteries must not implement DJI's power control procedures properly.
I'll grab a video next time it happens.
I don't think it has anything to do with the power button press timing.
I've tried a lot of times to invoke the issue manually by powering on and off and pressing the button incorrectly and have never
been able to make it happen.
I've only seen it happen after an actual flight and then powering it off properly.
Video recording has been turned off long before powering down the battery.
Battery itself shows no led lights (powered off).
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This just happened to me with a new Powerextra battery, my first one and first flight. Light at the back slowly flashing after powering down. Turned the drone back on, then off. Pulled the battery out and put it back in, still flashing. So packed up and by the time I got home, it had stopped on it's own.

Other than that anomaly, the battery performed flawlessly. I'll see how it does over time.
This thread was from 5 years ago and I didn't see where anyone figured out why it was happening. It just happened on my 8 year old Mavic Pro for the 1st time ever which is how I ended up here. On mine, after properly shutting down the battery, the rear light flashes yellowish green fairly brightly and the front red LEDs flash at the same moment but very dimly. As time goes on, the flashing gradually slows down and finally stops. My guess is that it's signalling the battery is too hot and the flash rate is proportional to how far over the limit it is.
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