I have just got a temp gun and all the motors after a sport mode flight using 20% battery are about 36-38 c but the temp gun is only cheap so give or take 1c is that good and after flying around high for a full battery they feel colder but I will get readings of this soon
if you are comfortable remove the boards and wash thoughroughly with isopropanol alchohol and a toothbrush until they look very clean and then blow out the motors and gimbal motors with compressed air.
Try that but if it ends up working It might be a bit risky as salt water can do a lot of...
I have sold the drone now I have been repairing a few drones and wanted to see if salt water could be repaired or even if the drone could power up after salt damage but thank you for your help everyone
I recently got a DJI Mavic Pro that was extremely badly corroded with salt water. I cleaned all the board thoughroughly and have now got it to power up. But the rear led blinks 10 times and then goes solid red. I am powering the drone with a 3s LiPo on the battery v and g connections. The...
Yeah I havnt had any gimbal motor overloads but the gimbal was stripped as well and sprayed with contact cleaner I have only been flying it for max 20% battery used and then landing and waiting for it to cool down. The motors don’t get hot if I run then for a few minutes without proppelors though.
Thanks for the reply I actually used contact cleaner sorry. I didn’t clean the motors but I did blow them out with a compressor and they don’t feel like they have any grit.