Just a note on LiPo's, particularly in DJI aircraft. I've been flying these aircraft since the Phantom 2 days (still have it but no working batteries) 2 P3P's and now onto all the aircraft in my signature. I can honestly say I have experienced...
My last sentence: "You may in theory be able to do so, but the voltage drops too much during that last 5% (indicated), causing the drone to shut down."
You say this is "untrue". You base this on experience with healthy packs, and believe...
To be clear, I'm not concerned about your drone, it's yours and entirely up to you what risks to it's integrity you want to take. Some people freak out that I "risk" my drones flying over the ocean. None of their business.
My concern here is...
If you were flying a real plane, you would be crazy be planning to land with only a cupful of fuel left in the tanks.
You would want to always have a comfortable reserve to be able to deal with unexpected issues.
Flying your drone just as you...
IMO, the forced landing feature is a necessary safety feature and only "annoying" to operators who fail to plan their flight safely. ANY and ALL conditions that will cause this safety feature to activate CAN and WILL be avoided by a properly...