The image below explains the rule better (from the FAA) when I asked them the same question. Essentially for pilots in the US, if you fly beyond the edge of a cliff on a tall hill or mountain, and only if the drone is still within 400’ of it in...
I can help you out. I'm a Dolby certified colorist for television and web. Davinci Resolve is a good choice for your HDR work. I know I addressed this in some posts about a year ago, but here's a quick synopsis. First of all almost all video...
The BMS will discharge them to 60% if left unused for a number of days. How many varies depending on model.
While it does degrade the usable life of the pack every time it is charged or discharged, the self-discharge and then recharge back to...
something I've wondered about:
is it feasible (both technically and expense-wise) to install a laser range-finder on the bottom of a drone in order to determine the actually altitude above ground?