A balloon is only moving as fast as the wind. For all intents, it's relatively stationary within the wind current so only the relative speed of the drone is an issue. An out of control drone has issues at 150 feet. Under control, the operator...
The material used on balloons isn't nearly as fragile as you think. It also won't "pop" like a latex balloon. And, a balloon can actually stay aloft quite well with a drone sized hole, as long as the propane holds out, allowing for a controlled...
I see now where the confusion comes from, I’ll edit the original post. What I meant by “I don’t care” is that I’m not spying on anyone, I.e. I’m not interested in anyone else’s life, referring to the accusation of me using the drone to “spy on them”.
100% legal, but you have to be careful and stay far enough away as to not interfere.
Under §107.37:
(a) Each small unmanned aircraft must yield the right of way to all aircraft, airborne vehicles, and launch and reentry vehicles. Yielding the...