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bitsbytes's latest activity

  • bitsbytes
    bitsbytes reacted to GFields's post in the thread Ok, help me out... am I wrong? with Like Like.
    Read the content of @Vic Moss (post #4) and follow it.
  • bitsbytes
    bitsbytes reacted to AlanL's post in the thread Ok, help me out... am I wrong? with Like Like.
    Short answer - under current FAA rules defining recreational use the first 3 of the above scenarios fall under 107 rules. Launching with the intent to inspect your roof is not recreational. If you shot some footage of a storm with the intent to...
  • bitsbytes
    bitsbytes reacted to MS Coast's post in the thread Any Negative RID experiences so far? with Like Like.
    The "government" (national, state, local) doesn't collect ID numbers; they issue them. The IDs are on a list from the very time of their creation. I promise I'm not keeping secrets about what happens next after I'm listed in a routine report...
  • bitsbytes
    bitsbytes reacted to MS Coast's post in the thread Any Negative RID experiences so far? with Like Like.
    Would that be the hush-hush global list of people who flew drones near prohibited airspace but never entered the prohibited airspace? Is it administered by the same agency that compiles the list of people who flew more than 395 feet AGL but...
  • bitsbytes
    Strictly IMHO. I believe that 90+percent of drone owners in this country don't even know what RID is. (Those of us with P107 and actively participating in the industry and forums do know). Most hobbyists don't register drones. Most hobbyists...