This is a major factor.
The number of sats your drone can see is roughly proportional to the percentage of the sky it sees.
And more than the number of sats, it also means that the sats your drone does see, are more likely to be bunched and not...
part of the drone's skyview blocked by buildings, terrain or tree cover?
Great question - yes it is
How long since you last flew is another factor that will affect sat acquisition times.
Interestingly, only a week but two months before that!
Hi all.
Is there a way of finding out where one can safely fly in Newton Aycliffe? A friend lives there and said that due to a close by military school(?) and airport, flying is restricted?
This is both fascinating and annoying 😁
Thank you for this. The thing that confuses me is that is super normally? Perhaps agreeing to download the new software update and some calibration may help?
Good positional data aren't just dependent on the number of locked satellites... in the logs you also find something that DJI calls GPSLevel (or Navhealth), it's a kind of confidence computation that tells the flight controller if it can trust...