Many of these cigarette or accessory port adapters do not begin to provide enough current for a cell phone much less a drone. DJI recommends a 30W charger/adapter which the cigarette port can support as it is 10 amps at 12VDC or 120W.
Check that...
The first thing after charging the drone battery and the RC 2 I did was to input the RTH settings for a battery level of 20% and a return height of 35 meters AGL. The 35 meter return height was to avoid any trees in the area on what can be hilly...
Every manufacturer of products using lithium batteries recommends not storing them for extended periods with a full charge. No reason to not do this, especially when it is easy and painless to take them down to 50% and put them away.
DJI Store is also currently selling the Air 3S Combo with free shipping to the USA.