I'm sorry, but your pictures are terrible, out of focus, Blurry, do you really think someone is going to buy this based off those photo's I would hope not. I suggest you post new, clear photos'.
Hi MB9162, I'll try to make this simple as I am a simple man, AFAIK, you have a strobe so you can fly at night, rec or part 107, but you can't fly over crowds or cars unless you are part 107 and have a cat 1-4 drone, and you don't. If you really want to stay out of trouble is to know the laws...
He shot down an aircraft in flight, which could have had dire consequences, what if the fire it started had gotten out of control, I don't think jail time should be out of the question!
Congratulations, but you better be careful, doctor's going to want to keep you there, heightened blood pressure, a fast pulse, sweaty forehead, dry mouth, a sense of desperation... Be cool and you'll get home to your drone, lol
Hello All. I'm Don from Sylmar, Ca. Going to be a new Drone pilot soon, as soon as my new Mini 3 pro w/RC and the flymore+ kit get picked up at DJI as its listed as ready for pickup, and it has been like that for four days......OMG I want my drone. soon,soon,soon........LOL
Y'all have a great...