Buyers are mostly GTG on Ebay but just remember, eBay is not going to protect the irresponsible buyer. Don't click on rogue links, don't go outside the process, don't pay with untraceable funds, observe the time constraints, demand proper...
Drones are one of the best discussion starters around; from karens to ciminals problems are always to be expected, that's why I always recommend to search for a takeoff spot that is both private property and closed/fenced or if there isn't; just...
How long are you waiting? It sometimes takes a while to get full Sats. especially in a tower. Do you have more units above you? You can also place the drone on a taller box instead of the balcony floor to get quicker reception and avoid any...
It was the charger and not the battery that "failed."
It was also not a DJI charger, nor a DJI battery.
Dude has literally hundreds of LiPo batteries over many years and had a single charger fail only once.
It can happen, but it is clearly more...