I've found a good tool for install android apps via adb. No fiddeling with the commandline:
ADB AppControl
But I don't know how to start another launcher without an adb connection. The remote doesn't have a home button.
I can confirm that the fcc hack from djircfcc.com works for the RC2!
It‘s permanent until you install a new firmware or reset it. :)
Haven‘t checked the range, because of the weather here..
I can‘t test it because I don‘t have supported goggles, but after the update my RC2 shows an goggle icon next to the connect button in dji fly. So I guess it should work with the RC2 too?
I am quite disappointed with the range of the AiR 3 too. In the open field, without interference, the signal broke down completely at a distance of just over a kilometer.
My Dji FPV has more range.
Also hope for a solution.