And I toned it down! You should hear what I really think of your endless feuding, here and in other threads. Good lord.
Anyway hopefully you haven't completely derailed the useful discussion about unlocking the potential of the Plus controller...
I mean, if you're going to completely ignore the evidence I've given, and repeat an argument that I've debunked, I guess yeah we're going to have to disagree. Which is all good, the point of this thread is to discuss how good this controller is...
As I said, I don't need or use those buttons on any of my controllers, so not having them is just fine with me.
You said that using alternative firmware was "shoehorning". I disagree, it strikes me as a clever way to get around DJI crippling...
I got two sticks doesn't get much easier. Besides when someone walks by me and says HI I really prefer my drone stays put instead of Hi-ing away somewhere on its own.