Sure... Still there is a hardware difference. This means the CE mini in FCC mode will not reach by far the power of the FCC mini in the US... So no FW hack is going to help here as assumed some days ago. IMHO DJI went a few steps back with this decision. Back from offering compliant travel...
Hi....would be intersting to see some detailed shot from the wifi module opened up to see the stuff underneath the cover...especially from the ce version. Is that possible that you share some detail shots? Thx in advance :)
Totally clear... But still a two class system... I guess it is also possible to limit the FCC power in the US without breaking the law... So the other way around than it is today
No... It just claims that the FCC version MT1SS5 is modified by fw to not show the CE frequencies.... We don't know if the MT1SD25 has a firmware limitation only or really different transmitter hardware.
Not sure but the chance is very high that it is not possible anymore... Neither with an easy FakeGPS hack nor with a crazy firmware flash. My guess is there are even different transmitters used. DJI was forced to to get approval.
It is pretty sure that DJI this time blocked fcc at MT1SD25 / MR1SD25 models....other than importing one from US, CA or AUS there is no chance this time to get fcc in europe or other ce countries...