I started as a Yuneec pilot in 2015 after the wife bought me a 'toy' drone for Christmas in 2014. I have been in contact with my local EMS and assisted with a missing persons SAR using the Q500. Bought my Mavic on black Friday 2017 and look forward to having some great photography moments with it.
I've worked free lance 23 years in the film/video/commercial business before retiring into TSA to help acquire retirement doing 14 years with them in Jacksonville/Gainesville Florida airports.
- Birthday
Jan 1, 1948
(Age: 77)
- Location
- Gender
- Male
- Occupation
- Happily retired
Mavic Pro Platinum - Android - Huawei MediaPad 3 8" tablet, Apps: DjiGo4, Litchi Desktop Platform: Windows10/Firefox PS14, LR6
Jacksonville, FL