I think he’s referring to the video Cache files.
I believe there’s a setting to turn on to record lo res video cache files. And those are found in a album folder in the Fly app folder on your iPad.
Others more knowledgeable than me please correct...
And that’s JPGs only right? Wish we could do 2sec intervals with raw…
Has anyone tried doing a hyperlapse with Raw by manually pressing the shutter? I think there’s a 6 frame buffer for doing raw stills.
Couldn’t we just press the shutter even...
You can get excellent results with the Mavic three Pro and the 3X (70mm) camera.
Here’s a clip from a school I was shooting on 103rd street South in Chicago with downtown Chicago in the background.
The city skyline in the background is about 16...
Glad you explained this. In the past when I knew I might want to extract still frames I assumed that 60 FPS was the way to go as I’d have a 1/120 shutter speed for sharper stills. Not realizing there would be any drop in quality on the still...