Just want to thank everyone for their time and participation in this discussion. The reason I started the chat was to gain as much knowledge as possible from the drone community and better understand what happened on the final flight. I'll try...
Having now read the mini 4k manual a couple of times I would say that it is terribly inadequate. It tells you where to change the home point but not how. It also gives very little information about how to use the map. I also had previously...
Here is an example. All logs are the same, a second Home Point Updated (Code;123200) at 6.0 seconds. Is this normal? because you said it was due to "a manual change to the homepoint which was done through the app"...
Hi Meta4...I reviewed a dozen of my flight logs this morning and every onesets a home point at around 2 seconds and then another at 6.0 seconds...I'm pretty sure I could not have manually updated my home position at exactly 6 seconds. What's...