issue i have,i am not able to unlock Authorization zones via this device :( even simcard inserted.
So i have to connect my mobile to device.
Import certificate from mobile to drone.
And hten export certificite of Authorization zone to Huawei...
Does anybody have this same case ?
Hello friends,
After latest update of fw many areas around get me to Authorization area (blue).
Till now we were able fly there.As it was by Flying companies controlled as TSA/TRA (temporary secured/restricted areas).
But now after fw update i see it blue with Authorisation zone.
So what it...
PRO sensor is only good when you plan night shots,then it will prevail over ZOOM.
Or if you plan make big printouts.
But 90% of your audience will not differ if shot is made by Z or Pro.....i´ll bet my hat....
Suddenly Mavic stopp to autoamtically save photos to my samsung and all stay only on mavic internal storage.Does anybody know what can cause this ? (no firmware update during,restarted computer,mobile)
Může mi prosím někdo pomoc vysvětlit,proč AliExpress mi baterku nepošle z UK skladu do ČR,ale na Slovensko,Rakousko,Polsko,Německo ji pošle během pár dnu (2-5)...Proč si ji musím objednat z Číny :( a delivery 50 dnů.