Hi there, I am extremely new to drones (Mini 3 pro) and would be glad to go to a meetup if any happen in the Marin/Sonoma area. Let me know when there something happening. I figure I could learn a lot.
This is a great site and such friendly helpful folks. Thanks for the greetings, and practical tips and what to be aware of. Also I now will keep my RC-N1 controller due to some helpful idea's I got to use down the road for.
Hobbies which I share with my husband is amateur radio (KD6KXS and KD6KXP) as I see others here also enjoy. Plus we are into remote camping adventures (overlanding) which I figure could be counted as a hobby/passion).
I am excited to get started. I just bought this from Costco and plan to use it for trips my husband and I take with our 4 x 4 truck camper. We do a lot of offroad camping (Overlanding) in the Western states now that we are retired. I like the idea of capturing the area's we are camping from the...