Soldering iron gets hot...You place hot Soldering iron on PAD to heat it, Once PAD is heated Place solder on PAD and let it melt' you need to be heating the PAD before applying solder. To help speed this process you "TIN" the iron by melting a...
I have replaced many.its not hard but you have to solder 6 wires per arm that's the hardest part. There are videos about arm replacement that will show you at least how to open drone.take your time and take pics before you start step by step...
With the birds I've had apart - the soldering is pretty straightforward... All the wires are colour coded and the pads you solder them to on the boards are clearly marked with letter codes: B: black... W: white, etc. if in doubt - use your phone...
that hint's like wtf.... soldering iron gets hot, melts solder. But then I'm thinking you must mean that you use the iron to heat the wires to be soldered so they melt the solder and bond with it. As in you dont drop hot solder onto cold wires...