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I'll likely refine this edit with a more desired color swapping and grading once I figure out how to manage .dcp and .cube profiles in DaVinci Resolve or a custom workflow. I decided to include some of the in-camera...
I recently had my older Mavic 2 Pro cameraconverted to a full spectrum infrared by Kolari Vision. This is an edit of my first collection of video clips from a recent visit to New Orleans. My attempt to learn all about infrared… filters, color...
For those interested in experimenting with infrared photography and video, it turns out that buying or converting a Mavic is one of the cheapest way to do so. Converting a M2P is $325 and includes 2 sets of 6 filters each including the Hot Mirror...
Thanks for those. I was gonna contact them about purchasing their IR Chrome filter. I like the look. I only saw it as an add-on to a filter set. Yes, they do have guides for DIY, but decided I’d rather have them do it properly while I spend my...