You are making this much more difficult that it is.
All you need is a simple dictionary definition like ...
past tense: constructed; past participle: constructed
To build or make (something, typically a building...
Ask the project manager if he has ever heard of such a thing being done with a drone.
If he has, get details from him.
It sounds very much like it's not something that would be possible.
I don't know the RC2 controller.
How did it show a lot of satellites?
Was this sats that the drone was reporting or the controller?
If it looks just like this ....
.. that's showing you the number of sats the drone is connected to.
The warning...
Or learn to use the radar display.
It shows where the drone is relative to the homepoint.
It's a simple matter to use the left stick to turn the drone until it is pointing directly at the homepoint and push the right stick forward to fly there...
that figure applies to the United Kingdom. Note the reference to Article 94A, which is not an FAA document.
Did the FAA person you dealt with provide that as an explanation of the rule in the US? To my knowledge, the FAA regulations define the...