Thanks very much for your reply, thought that may have been the case just nice to know should I be flying with obstacles close but today the Mavics flew really well. It was flying over cliffs so probably updraft of wind hitting the drone. But these Mavics do fly well in tough conditions as long...
Hi any of you guys had this warning come up (Attitude is too large., Forward obstacle sensing is unavailable)
Had it today come up after take off at 20ft then a few more times during flight at different altitudes conditions were cloudy and a little windy no obstacles.
Didn't affect flight just...
Thanks for the welcome guys looking forward connecting with people, great bunch of like minded enthusiasts. Will update the members map Thanks very much
Hi new member from the south coast Weymouth Dorset, love the hobby would love to make a career in it. Have met some great fellow drone pilots love the helpful nature of everyone.
Just checked my Air 2s and mini 3 pro its in setting under camera just below coding format is video subtitles just toggle the switch off.or as above from Meta4