Hi, many interesting concepts have been mentioned, i.e. that a child’s maturity is more important than their age (at least without considering legal matters). It’s also important to consider that flying in a controlled, obstacle-free area is much...
Because the Federal government is not actively enforcing their laws so if the state passes an identical law, the state would enforce it vigorously. In general when there is only a federal law prohibiting an activity, troopers, deputies...
I didn't say he was a beginner. I said he made a beginner's mistake. And I still don't understand the allure of deliberate range testing, unless it's to garner views on You Tube videos. Imagine a private pilot hopping into a new plane and then...
Clearly the state overcharged when a simple single charge would have sufficed but I guess you can do this when you get a confession and you have a habit of loading up on the charges just to get someone to plead to a lesser charge. The man was...