From the current FAA website is a link to the "Law Enforcement Playbook," and specifically in Section 09.... (link )
This is a public document and is very good reading as it answers most of...
Interesting experiment but buy a Mavic Mini to carry a GoPro to get video of a quality that the Mini can't deliver? Get a Mavic Air......
But cool video and the creativity if always fun!!!
Went digging through some old pictures and found this from 1974. MP School at Ft. Gordon, GA. We were one the the last classes to go through at Ft. Gordon in the old Brems Barracks.
My sister in law called today and asked if I knew anyone in Denver with a drone. I told her I would put out a "feeler."
A neighbor left a gate open and their dog wandered out in the snow. They are VERY concerned about the dog and hope someone with a drone might be able to help locate the...
"§ 261.18 National Forest Wilderness.
The following are prohibited in a National Forest Wilderness:
(a) Possessing or using a motor vehicle, motorboat or motorized equipment except as authorized by Federal Law or regulation.
(b) Possessing or using a hang glider or bicycle.
(c) Landing of...
"Remember: it is better being on the ground wishing you were in the air, than being in the air, wishing you were on the ground!"
That should be a tattoo or a morale patch or a bumper sticker - or something!!! Thumbswayup
Whether the drone or the camera, I choose to format my cards in the thing they are going to shoot in. Not sure it makes a difference but my thinking is that formatting it in the appliance/vehicle makes it more likely to "behave." I've not had problems doing this and this reinforces the process...
Congrats on the purchase!!
I am a fan of the GoProfessional Cases - I have both the backpack and hard case for my M2P. I had a backpack for my Phantom 4 and I don't think I would trust my drone to anything else. Not the cheapest but then neither was my drone!!
Have fun and fly safe!!!
Not a drone. Not a drone for the hobby/recreational user anyway. DJI seems to be much more interested in the government/enterprise sector and has forgotten about the MILLIONS of cash paying hobby guys that put them on the map. New Phantom? Nope. New Mavic? Nope. Some gimbal or action camera or...