DJI Mavic, Air and Mini Drones
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Player-Pe's latest activity

  • Player-Pe
    This area (Hidden Falls in Auburn, CA) was a great place to hike & fly drones. Sadly, it has just recently changed it's policy and is prohibiting drone flying in the remote area. Bummer
    • Drone.JPG
  • Player-Pe
    I have my P-107 and registered drone w/RID, but I have a noob neighbor who doesn't want to go through the legalities of dealing with RID & airspace I urged him to at least get a TRUST certificate. I hope he at least does that. I told...
  • Player-Pe
    Player-Pe reacted to jamesy's post in the thread New member and new drone pilot with Like Like.
    Hello, I recently bought my first DJI: Mavic 3 Classic. As my first drone I was thinking a lot between this and the Air 3. Then I chose the Mavic 3 Classic and I'm very happy even though I know I need to do a lot of pratice before before I felt...