I'm just a stones throw from the Bahamas and sought out getting footage of the cleanup from Hurricane Dorian. My subject, Burmah Oil Terminal. This first photo was after the hurricane hit (not mine) others are frame grabs taken (1-29-2020) Cleanup is slow going and the company is still...
The night was clear so why not try and get something, though focusing in the dark is always a challenge.
Beyond the TFR.
Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by American company SpaceX to provide satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of...
Im glad im not the only one that thought that. One for the history books for sure!
A team effort could deffently make that happen! For the history books "
I did wonder when I reviewed the footage and then I asked other team members capturing the departure on the dock and said they knew. Thought it was the camera at first.
@ Proffy, thanks!
@ RickinWaST, Its just B-Roll. We'll pick a sec or two out of the vid, I've got plenty of footage.
With the help of the U.S. Coast Guard and cooperation with LCDR Kelley, thanks!
I wanted that gun uncovered, apparently they forgot lol. No color correction, just right out of the camera.
FYI....Well, I've noticed several, and I mean several disconnects over the last couple of days with the new update. 4.2.25, It's never happened before, I've always set my phone (S8) to Airplane mode when flying. Kinda'a'annoying!
Calm down, calm down, let's not get to excited. ;)
Two men sitting on a bench at Miami Beach. One say's to the other, "Hey old man mavic, what gets you excited now days" Old man mavic says, "One of Those New Models rrrright there!"