Response lacked instructions and creativity.
Assume stick controls means rudder, but could be any other parameter (throttle, heading, battery voltage, pitch etc.).
Download your FlightRecord. It is a CSV file.
Set Google Earth Tools>Option...
I'm convinced no one is doing this. People are seeing aircraft doing things they have always done and convincing themselves they are seeing something that really isn't there. Like the videos of helicopters and 737's (complete with chopper sounds...
So, you think lots of people are doing this? Or, some other entity is doing this with lots of drones? It seems more reasonable to me that people cannot judge size when viewing a drone at night.
From childhood working with balsa made planes, I'm pretty sure I could make a Mavic appear as big as a car at night. Add a balsa crossbar to the bottom with leds at the tips. At a couple hundred feet you would appear to see a flashing middle...