I have a Neo too and I am not always comfortable with its flight control.
Anyway, I tried to reconstruct your case with some magnet. I conducted the test in a well lighted indoor condition. I put a rather strong magnet in different...
I have the same thought too so asked the pilot who told me that there are other equipment on the boat way more expensive than the M300... He did not wish to take that risk.
I am helping to look into a drone accident where a M300 unexpectedly entered RTH mode and eventually landed into the sea. Having viewed the log, I think that this was due to DJI program error. Yet, I appeal here to see if anyone had...
I think this may be bit out of my knowledge. I can only provide some relevant facts here.
I am not sure if a normal mini 2 can switch to atti mode, at least not in original factory setting.
From my experience with Phantom 4 or Mavic...
I believe you are referring to this warning. This was shown at 13.9 sec of the flight.
The direct translation of the warning is:
Aca Mode. Be careful.; Positioning is impossible. Be careful (Code: 30004)
Immediately afterward, the drone...