If you were flying a real plane, you would be crazy be planning to land with only a cupful of fuel left in the tanks.
You would want to always have a comfortable reserve to be able to deal with unexpected issues.
Flying your drone just as you...
What you seem unwilling to accept is the risk of the drone falling out of the sky and causing catastrophe goes way up if you keep flying. It is not a manageable risk.
Lipo serial battery assemblies are not like gas tanks. "10%" is not a reliable...
Planes are way fragiler than they look.
Firefighting planes fly low enough that usually get damaged by trees, cables, TV antennas and so on. For the same reason, they can also get hit by debris or things carried by the wind, which would be quite...
One of the well known feux news agencies (I won’t mention) was showing drone footage earlier today that was actually flying over actively burning buildings and over fire trucks and crews in action. I think I know why some idiots want to fly in...