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Shuttersky597's latest activity

  • Shuttersky597
    Well I must admit, Flagstaff is giving Seattle a run for its money in the number of coffee shops per block. It has become the leading industry in town. One must balk at the price however. It seems the now 27,000 students here keep them all...
  • Shuttersky597
    Shuttersky597 replied to the thread présentation.
    Bienvenue sur leforum mon ami. Quel type de drone pilotez-vous?
  • Shuttersky597
    Shuttersky597 replied to the thread FRIA.
    I am getting used to the schools more. I noticed one redoing their field for the upcoming season. I sent a copy to the school. Trying to build a report'
  • Shuttersky597
    Shuttersky597 reacted to mavic3usa's post in the thread FRIA with Like Like.
    Yeah I agree, I find the public schools to be a good place during the summer when school is out when you just want to fly short range limited flights and check out things and don't want to attract alot of attention. Others have the same idea for...
  • Shuttersky597
    Shuttersky597 replied to the thread FRIA.
    There are a lot of areas locally that are restricted for military and I was just scouting where I can fly. Sometimes I have to stop and get my settings correct, especially when practicing waypoint missions. Being over a high school, even though...