Welcome! I’m in Orlando and also new as well! Hopefully we’ll have better weather this weekend then we did recently with those out of nowhere thunderstorms ?
Thank you! I’ll get set up and registered ASAP. Looking into possibly making some side income eventually with video and photography for businesses and such so I’m excited. :)
Thanks you for taking the time to share those links @MA2 317 i appreciate it. I’m excited to go in my apartment complex and fly around a bit to get some testing done. I’ll look into registering it ASAP. Does registering it as recreational require a test as well? And am I still able to get the...
Hello, community!
It’s awesome to meet you. I recently made a decision after a ton of research and understanding what goals I want to achieve and bought the Mavic Air 2 fly more bundle. I was very excited to get it and start learning everything I need to know to get started. So far so good. I...