(SOLD) Just got the 9 Pro so this unit is for sale. 8 Pro work perfect, just making room for the new tablet. Asking $700 comes in original box. I'm from British Columbia, willing to ship anywhere in Canada. [email protected]
That's what I found while testing at home. The only thing it will not allow the controller to be the rth point, I can't get the controller to be recognized. I will keep trying. Thanks.
My Mini 3 almost never came home after I updated the home point. I reset RTH after I moved 100 meters. The drone reset home point to IT'S location, I didn't know that was the default. I was flying in the mountains and was barely able to get mini back before a forced landing. Had 9% battery when...
That's the same grapple I use. Works great, I took some of the "double" arms off to make it lighter. I use my air2 to "rescue" my mini. I also use a light activated release mechanism. Lots of fun practicing with this setup.
Thanks for trying. I tried to undo anything I tried but am stumped. I'm thinking of a factory reset. I'm also going to try to see if DJI can give one advice as well. Thanks again.
I fly with flyapp. I fly an air2 and a mini2 with this smart controller. Have been using this system for 8 months or so. I have over 500 flights in total, for what that's worth.
I was waiting to get a larger screen than my smart controller has for a better view and so someone else could view my screen while I fly. In the process of down loading a mirror app, I inadvertently got a mirrord screen/layers deep. I can't get to go away. I uninstalled the app just to see if...
I live in northern Canada. It snows here 80% of the year. I fly in the snow often. On new years eve, it was lightly snowing and was -22c. I filmed fireworks for 20 minutes straight. I fly a air2 and mini2, seems to have no issues. I have the rainsuit for them but never got around to...