In a perfect world.
We don't live in a perfect world.
If the cost tomorrow will be higher, then you'll pay that cost today.
If the cost next week will be lower, you'll pay the higher price today.
THAT is how the system works.
Unfortunately, business in the US often goes beyond simply maintaining profit margins. It tends to focus on maximizing profits, sometimes at the expense of customers.
I guess that would be par for the course after the inflation we've been enduring for the past several years. However, whatever you've been reading might simply be a negotiating tactic. I'm not convinced that significantly increasing the cost of...
Unless it's law enforcement, I don't owe anyone an explanation, and they won't get one. I'm not required to answer their questions or justify my actions. I am a very reasonable person, but I don't have to be. If someone approaches me the wrong...
So, the drone fashion police have arrived? I don't ever wear a vest when flying, but I see no fakery or fooling involved with a professional wearing one while working to avoid interruptions.