Very interested in what you find. When it happened to me, it was almost like my drone was hit with an EMP causing several warnings to popup. The weirdest one was "collision" when nothing actually hit it. If the RF interference messed with the...
If that factory does arc welding, i is entirely possible that your drone got hit with a LOT of RF interference. Gas welding wouldn't be a problem, but arc welding puts out broad spectrum electrical noise of very high intensity. I'm not saying...
The drones change their protocols based on their GPS locations. If you take your North American bought M3E to most EU countries, the transmitter power will be reduced to meet their regulations automatically.
I was able to get a lot of really good footage of a train loading cars. I asked for permission first, and was given the go ahead providing I didn’t get too close to the tracks. This was in Canada.
Exactly. My Enterprise drones have a "stealth" mode where I can turn off all the lights. This sounds like one of those Facebook style hysteria stories from someone noticing 'flashing lights' in the sky. It's telling that out of 1000 reports so...