The link I gave you with information about insurance for drones in Norway is from the Norwegian Luftfartstilsynet (same as FAA in US), so information from them is up to date and official, and they clearly says that drones under 250 grams do not...
If your drone is under 250 gram you do not need liability insurance in Norway:
"The requirement for approved insurance under luftfartsloven § 11-2, does not apply to unmanned aircraft weighing less than 250 grams, including payload, and operated...
There is no Hasselblad sensor or Hasselblad lens in any DJI drone. They have collaborated with Hasselblad when tuning the colour rendition in the images.
DJI owns Hasselblad and can use the Hasselblad name as they wish. Which they also do;)
Welcome to the forum @FliegenKerl! :)
Here are a few good choices:
128GB Samsung EVO Select
128GB SanDisk Extreme
After flying many DJI consumer drones since 2016 (I own most all of them), here's what I recommend you do (at the minimum) to...
As mentioned the app for Mavic 2 is DJI Go4, it is not available on google playstore. You need to download it from DJI, and it is free, no payment needed.
On playstore there are several apps called "Fly Go", "Go Fly" or similar confusing names...