DJI Mavic, Air and Mini Drones
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  1. B

    Time-consuming tasks...have you been there?

    Hello everyone.? I am a commercial drone pilot in a corporation. Even when I know that flight drones is something cool, sometimes involves dull and time-consuming non-technical tasks. Have you been in this situation before? I want to ask you if you would like to share some of those tricky steps...
  2. A

    New to commercial drone operation

    Hi all thanks in advance I have just passed my pfco license and I am really confused with how to obtain permission from local properties that are not under your control( within 50m of your flight ) so if I need to take pictures of a house for an estate agent but one person says they are not...
  3. U

    Flying drone in Israel

    Hello, I'm planning a trip to Israel in February. I read you need 2 permissions. Does anyone had experience with flying drone in Israel and getting the permissions? Any help would be great.
  4. W

    Lichi app and permissions

    I recently purchased and installed the Lichi app for Android. I am a little confused about the permissions it requested. I can understand permissions for these objects as these are pretty self-explanatory. Camera Location Microphone Storage But why in the name of **** does it need access...