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Air 3S photo quality is... disappointing

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2023
San Diego, CA, USA
I have upcoming trips that can benefit from a more "tele" lens on a drone, so I was debating shelling out for a refurb Mavic 3 Pro vs an Air 3S. I am a photographer, don't do video, and there aren't that many DNGs of Air3S posted, fortunately someone made a good amount of RAW files available DJI Air 3S Example Files — Billy Kyle

OMG, what a disappointment.
  • The 24mm images of foliage (DJI_20241009120036_0079_D.DNG) are complete mush, with lack of definition in the foliage and TONS of noise in the shadows
  • The 70mm images of the Ferris wheel (DJI_20241014160517_0348_D.DNG) show noise in the shadows even at mid day (look around the lamp posts)
  • And the closeup (DJI_20241014160813_0378_D.DNG) has all sorts of artifacts and purple fringing. Seems that there is some heavy handed pre-processing done by DJI
I am waiting for the Mavic 3 Pro files to download (20Gb and running) but based on what I am seeing from the 3S in these samples I am not impressed. Are there other DNGs out there I can look at? Particularly interested in something that stresses the supposed 14 stops of DR, ie, high contrast shots into a strong light source. JPGs are really not suitable for proper evaluation, hopefully people can point me to some DNGs to change my mind.

The Mavic 3 Pro files just finished downloading DJI Air 3S vs. DJI Mavic 3 Pro Example Files — Billy Kyle

And it is not even close, the 3 Pro wins hands down.

At 24mm

DJI_20241021004652_0591_D.DNG has deep shadows that look pretty clean. Ditto for DJI_20241021011915_0597_D.DNG - and unlike the Air3S files the Photoshop AI denoise does a good job cleaning up things. Same for DJI_20241021004503_0587_D.DNG - shadows look very, very good

DJI_20241020234041_0574_D.DNG has foliage that looks much, much better than the Air3S samples

At 70mm

DJI_20241021004520_0588_D.DNG is very clean. Same for DJI_20241020234211_0579_D.DNG.

At 166mm

I had read some pretty bad reviews of the 7x zoom lens but from what I am seeing in the sample images it is completely usable (DJI_20241021004530_0589_D.DNG)

The corresponding files for the Air 3S are just terrible. Just look at the mushy statue with bad purple fringing in DJI_20241020125449_0609_D.DNG.

I was hoping to shave some $$$ on an Air 3S but I guess I have a Mavic 3 Pro in my future. Will wait for the Mavic 4 to come out, hopefully DJI sweetens up the refurb deals or I find a good deal on a used one.
Check to make sure there's not a protective plastic on the lens of the 3s.
It's unlikely but not outside the realm of possibilities.
Not my images so it is what it is. I expected to pay the price for quad binning but not that much.
Mavic 3 Pro Refurb wins hands down! Get it now. You won't regret it.
Air 3S can't even come close!

For samples, see @Meta4 's 2024 compilation.

Mavic 4 won't have any significant improvements over the Mavic 3 Pro, and will only be available at retail for at least a year and will come with all sorts of bugs that will take 6 months to clean up.
I have both the Mavic 3 and Air 3s. For photography, the Mavic 3 wins on the wide lens due to it having a native 20mp M4/3 sensor. Even my Air 2s has better photo quality due to it having a native 20mp 1" Sensor instead of some Quad-bayer type sensor. As for the Air 3s, I only use both lenses at 12mp for shooting real estate. The higher 50mp and 48mp modes are a total gimmick for my uses due to the following:

Less Dynamic Range
Longer Capture Time
No discernible difference in details
Bloated File Sizes

Seems like DJI is more focused on video capture with some of their latest offerings, but I primarily shoot video so it's not a huge pain point for me. I will say, the Air 3s has a pretty useful bracketed panorama mode if you're into that.
Dang might as well stick with Mavic 2 Pro.

Issue with the Mavic 3 Pro is that it's too heavy for flying in certain areas in certain countries, specifically the EU.
Dang might as well stick with Mavic 2 Pro.

Issue with the Mavic 3 Pro is that it's too heavy for flying in certain areas in certain countries, specifically the EU.

If I did not "need" telephoto capabilities I would be perfectly happy with my Air 2S. Decent quality 20Mpx DNGs with good post processibg latitude.
The 3S is my 4th DJI drone, and I too am primarily a photographer. I've been pleased with the images I've been able to create. Two attached images. For some reason the attach files function will not allow me to send a .DNG file, so first image is converted to .JPG. Second image is a screen cap from drone video footage, something I do quite a bit of (using VLC app).


  • DJI_20241226131136_0054_D S2.jpg
    DJI_20241226131136_0054_D S2.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 66
  • Drone Broad Creek 12-24-24 - 018 S.jpg
    Drone Broad Creek 12-24-24 - 018 S.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 62
Hi GroovyGeek,

I own Air3s for some time, and back when I bought it and started testing I was about to return or sell it such was my disappointment.
Bought it mostly to support my photography and was quite excited about 50 mp 1 inch sensor with additional 70 mm lens all the other technical advancements. Thought going to sell my air2s or put it in the cabinet to collect dust. Then I saw the images … Noise and artifacts even on midday shots, debatable details etc. Man, I was shocked and felt I wasted all the money.

Yet, after more testing and playing with it I decided to keep it and I am quite happy actually.

Thing is, do not touch 50 mp ever. Hope these are software issues that Dji will work on/correct in some future updates.

But still found air3s to be ultimate photography machine (with some limitations tho).

While 12 mp photos are generally acceptable they hardly match old good air2s.

However there is a way to get really stunning images with unbelievable level of detail challenging full frame cameras 😊

Its not as simple as single shot (or brackets for HDR) and requires you to completely ignore its 1 inch sensor (which is a bit counter intuitive I guess).

You need to combine 70mm (in 12 mp mode) with the new Free Panorama tool.

Then, as your “panorama” shot you just replicate the 24 mm frame (more or less – a bit more is probably better as it will give more cropping freedom). So this will produce some 6-12 shots id say 9 shots is probably closest to 24 mm.

It takes the drone few seconds to execute the shots the rest of the time it takes (not to long tho another 10 + seconds depend on number of frames taken) is internal processing of the images.

If you chosen so it will save nicely numbered dng’s in its own folder. However the stitching it does “inhouse” for the jpg produces is very well executed and balanced, I'd say commercially viable straight from the drone add some post on top of it and quite often is perfect.
Unbelievable detail and north of 30MP. But if you have tools and time to stitch the dng’s yourself this is yet another level.

And the freepano process is relatively quick, very easy and convenient.

Ofc it really depends on the type of photography you do and the conditions. Lots of dynamic movement in the scene makes it a bit harder I guess and might requite a lot post work or ruin the shot. You also need to keep an eye on WB and expo maybe (although I am not big fan of exposure lock, big chance to kill highlights and any decent pano software including this built in air3s will handle exposure banalcing nicely)

Some would say you can take such shots with air3 or mavic3 pro manually as well as they both have 70mm on same sensor.

However the game changer imo is the freepano tool, it is so quick and easy to setup the shot (especially with some practice) and you have complete control on aspect ratio and size of the final frame. It takes three button pushes and then you have you jpeg ready In seconds(well up to half a minute maybe) so probably before the guy with mavic3 figures out the shots, overlaps and then they might find trying to stitch in post hours later that they made a mistake here and there 😊

So as long as you scene is not to dynamic in large parts of the frame, you ok with the time it takes to process and until Dji releases Freepano to other capable drones (air3, mavic3 pro) there is not better flying camera on the market, even with its so crappy 50mp shots on its main sensor.

For all the other situations the 12 mp should be OK even if it feels like step down from air2s not to mention mavic series (But this is different segment so comparing it to the latter might be a bit unfair).

Seems it’s individual matter of answering the question can you photography utilise the freenpano and if 24mm, 12 mp is good enough for when its not.

For me it’s a keeper for time being even if this is this sort of love/hate relationship.
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Btw. I see more and more people complaing about air3s stills.
Take it and report to Dji, build some pressure. I've done that reported this as "bug" also posted on dji forums (almost got lynched by fanbois there lol) but eventaully get some moderators there asking me to send some examples to them in private. So hopefully this sort of gets some dji attention, not sure if they monior forums here at all. The more presure the better chance it will get some traction for some software fixes if possible.
Btw. I see more and more people complaing about air3s stills.
Take it and report to Dji, build some pressure. I've done that reported this as "bug" also posted on dji forums (almost got lynched by fanbois there lol) but eventaully get some moderators there asking me to send some examples to them in private. So hopefully this sort of gets some dji attention, not sure if they monior forums here at all. The more presure the better chance it will get some traction for some software fixes if possible.

Thank you for the detailed response, and for confirming the observations that were visible to me within a few seconds of looking at the first DNG file. This reminds me yet again to view YT "reviews" with deep suspicion. Even people who claimed to be stills photographers were declaring the Air3S "the new king" and saying the camera performance was equivalent of better than the 3 Pro.

My problem with stitching is several fold. I do this as a hobby, and the post processing has akways been the less enjoyable part of the process. The thought of having to stitch every image makes me shudder. Yes, DJI's in camera stitching is excellent, but at least in the Air2S it is JPEG only. Will look at the FreePano capability, I doubt it will be brought back to the Mavic 3 Pro, hopefully I am wrong.

The biggest issue is that even the binned 12MPx images don't look that great, at least the few that I found at the links I posted - with lack of detail, purple fringing. I am generally suspicious of quad binning, have had it on my Samsung S23 Ultra for a few years which has a 200Mpx front shooter and can produce either 50Mpx images (quad binned) or ~12 Mpx (16x binned). They are OK, and a good amount are on my website - because the best camera in the world is the one you have with you. But I would not want every image I take to look like that.

Over the last few weeks the offering prices for the M3P on the Classifieds forum dropped nearly $400 to the $1800s for the Flly More combo and I purchased a M3P with a RC pro controller. Will sell the controller in the $500-$600 range (too big, too heavy for hiking, overkill for amateur stills work) and probably call it a day for a few years. The M4P does not look to offer anything compelling for my use case, so perhaps the m4/3 sensors make a comeback in the 4S, or the binned image processing improves sufficiently to make it more pleasing.
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Free pano can produce dng's numbered and put in individual folders for every pano shot and then stitching in photoshop/lr or even better PTgui is usually easy process if you have access to these.
The jpg produced by incamera stiching is very nice too. The process (especially the shooting part if you dont go wide and just mimic 24mm) is very quick too so very doable in range of conditions.
One thing worth menioning and potential downside is unless I am wrong you can't do pano with bracketing so no multiple expusures for this atm.

So if freepano is not the solution you can work with then air3s does not offer anything in terms of photography quality worth its price and the best option indeed is Mavic3 pro.
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I wasn't disappointed since I didn't expect it to match my 4/3s camera or drone and don't need it for National Geographic images. This handy little package has already paid back 2/3 of the cost doing 107 real estate jobs, for which the camera is more than good enough.

I always want more and better, but I imagine well over 90% of the buyers will be happy with the results they get. Those that really need better images are not the target audience.
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For some reason the attach files function will not allow me to send a .DNG file, so first image is converted to .JPG. Second image is a screen cap from drone video footage, something I do quite a bit of (using VLC app).

You can put it in a ZIP, and it will let you post that.
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I wasn't disappointed since I didn't expect it to match my 4/3s camera or drone and don't need it for National Geographic images. This handy little package has already paid back 2/3 of the cost doing 107 real estate jobs, for which the camera is more than good enough.

I always want more and better, but I imagine well over 90% of the buyers will be happy with the results they get. Those that really need better images are not the target audience.
I'm in the 90% as well. I don't really have much to complain about with the 3S. I think some people's expectations are a bit high for the drone they have and why the DJI Forums are borderline unvisitable. If you want your footage to look like a Hollywood blockbuster, you need a Mavic or Inspire series drone. The Air 3S isn't going to give you that.

It's like the people asking for the Neo to have 24fps video. The Neo was never intended to be a cinematic drone. I think some users are buying the wrong drone for their use case...either bad advice or not enough research being done.
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Hi GroovyGeek,

I own Air3s for some time, and back when I bought it and started testing I was about to return or sell it such was my disappointment.
Bought it mostly to support my photography and was quite excited about 50 mp 1 inch sensor with additional 70 mm lens all the other technical advancements. Thought going to sell my air2s or put it in the cabinet to collect dust. Then I saw the images … Noise and artifacts even on midday shots, debatable details etc. Man, I was shocked and felt I wasted all the money.

Yet, after more testing and playing with it I decided to keep it and I am quite happy actually.

Thing is, do not touch 50 mp ever. Hope these are software issues that Dji will work on/correct in some future updates.

But still found air3s to be ultimate photography machine (with some limitations tho).

While 12 mp photos are generally acceptable they hardly match old good air2s.

However there is a way to get really stunning images with unbelievable level of detail challenging full frame cameras 😊

Its not as simple as single shot (or brackets for HDR) and requires you to completely ignore its 1 inch sensor (which is a bit counter intuitive I guess).

You need to combine 70mm (in 12 mp mode) with the new Free Panorama tool.

Then, as your “panorama” shot you just replicate the 24 mm frame (more or less – a bit more is probably better as it will give more cropping freedom). So this will produce some 6-12 shots id say 9 shots is probably closest to 24 mm.

It takes the drone few seconds to execute the shots the rest of the time it takes (not to long tho another 10 + seconds depend on number of frames taken) is internal processing of the images.

If you chosen so it will save nicely numbered dng’s in its own folder. However the stitching it does “inhouse” for the jpg produces is very well executed and balanced, I'd say commercially viable straight from the drone add some post on top of it and quite often is perfect.
Unbelievable detail and north of 30MP. But if you have tools and time to stitch the dng’s yourself this is yet another level.

And the freepano process is relatively quick, very easy and convenient.

Ofc it really depends on the type of photography you do and the conditions. Lots of dynamic movement in the scene makes it a bit harder I guess and might requite a lot post work or ruin the shot. You also need to keep an eye on WB and expo maybe (although I am not big fan of exposure lock, big chance to kill highlights and any decent pano software including this built in air3s will handle exposure banalcing nicely)

Some would say you can take such shots with air3 or mavic3 pro manually as well as they both have 70mm on same sensor.

However the game changer imo is the freepano tool, it is so quick and easy to setup the shot (especially with some practice) and you have complete control on aspect ratio and size of the final frame. It takes three button pushes and then you have you jpeg ready In seconds(well up to half a minute maybe) so probably before the guy with mavic3 figures out the shots, overlaps and then they might find trying to stitch in post hours later that they made a mistake here and there 😊

So as long as you scene is not to dynamic in large parts of the frame, you ok with the time it takes to process and until Dji releases Freepano to other capable drones (air3, mavic3 pro) there is not better flying camera on the market, even with its so crappy 50mp shots on its main sensor.

For all the other situations the 12 mp should be OK even if it feels like step down from air2s not to mention mavic series (But this is different segment so comparing it to the latter might be a bit unfair).

Seems it’s individual matter of answering the question can you photography utilise the freenpano and if 24mm, 12 mp is good enough for when its not.

For me it’s a keeper for time being even if this is this sort of love/hate relationship.
This summary is very helpful. Thanks for putting in the time to help others out.
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Thank you for the detailed response, and for confirming the observations that were visible to me within a few seconds of looking at the first DNG file. This reminds me yet again to view YT "reviews" with deep suspicion. Even people who claimed to be stills photographers were declaring the Air3S "the new king" and saying the camera performance was equivalent of better than the 3 Pro.

My problem with stitching is several fold. I do this as a hobby, and the post processing has akways been the less enjoyable part of the process. The thought of having to stitch every image makes me shudder. Yes, DJI's in camera stitching is excellent, but at least in the Air2S it is JPEG only. Will look at the FreePano capability, I doubt it will be brought back to the Mavic 3 Pro, hopefully I am wrong.

The biggest issue is that even the binned 12MPx images don't look that great, at least the few that I found at the links I posted - with lack of detail, purple fringing. I am generally suspicious of quad binning, have had it on my Samsung S23 Ultra for a few years which has a 200Mpx front shooter and can produce either 50Mpx images (quad binned) or ~12 Mpx (16x binned). They are OK, and a good amount are on my website - because the best camera in the world is the one you have with you. But I would not want every image I take to look like that.

Over the last few weeks the offering prices for the M3P on the Classifieds forum dropped nearly $400 to the $1800s for the Flly More combo and I purchased a M3P with a RC pro controller. Will sell the controller in the $500-$600 range (too big, too heavy for hiking, overkill for amateur stills work) and probably call it a day for a few years. The M4P does not look to offer anything compelling for my use case, so perhaps the m4/3 sensors make a comeback in the 4S, or the binned image processing improves sufficiently to make it more pleasing.
Isn't the pixel peeping you are doing also overkill for amateur stills work as a hobbyist rather than a professional? Post processing will almost always improve the results from the recorded image. Yet, using automated software to manually stitch together multiple images for a superior result makes you shudder. It takes just a minute or two to stitch together 30 images to create 100MP images with PanoramaStudio 4 Pro for only $99.

That being said, the Mavic 3 Pro is a beast of a camera for still shooters. @Meta4 has made it sing with his cargo ship images shot with it. You will be very happy with it. I own it, too.

However the Free Panorama function on the Air 3S is a game changer for super high resolution images that one can zoom into for fine details, that don't turn to mush, which is why I just ordered one for myself. The resulting in camera stitch is usually good enough, and certainly a proof of concept "test print" for deciding which stitches are worthy of manual automated post process stitching for an even better result, using the saved original DNG's.

While the 70mm telephoto on the Mavic 3 Pro can shoot 360° spherical panos, it takes 127 images in 3.5 minutes and cannot stitch anything from them. The top 30 images in the grid also have to be thrown away because there is no detail in the sky from which to stitch anything useful. There is no option to eliminate their shooting, nor customize the frame, other than 360°, 180°, Wide, or Vertical.

The Air 3S finally brings the Free Panorama from the Mavic 3 Enterprise line to the consumer line. Selecting what portion of the view you want automatically shot, saved, and stitched in camera by the 70mm telephoto camera is a game changer. As suggested above, it can automatically create a true 50MP stitched image of the same view as the 24mm MFT 20MP camera. That's huge, and fully automated, enabling saving time over shooting the same scene manually, and still not having any stitch to immediately review.

There is room for both the Mavic 3 Pro and an Air 3S, as DJI will not backfill newer features like the Free Panorama mode specifically designed to sell new drones. It will likely make it into the Mavic 4, but by then, obtaining a Mavic 4 in the U.S. may be impossible. Now, even getting an Air 3S in the U.S. is almost impossible! Adorama still had a few left in stock when I ordered mine last Thursday, but they are likely all gone by now.

Enjoy your new Mavic 3 Pro!
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I don't do pixel peeping. I shoot into the light A LOT, so shadow latitude is very important to me - that is what I was looking for. The observations about mushiness and purple fringing were an accidental discovery.

No amount of stitching will overcome poor performance in shadow performance. And the Air3S seems to be struggling in that department. I just don't understand how DJI can claim improved DR based on the images I have seen so far.

I would love to get my hands on more DNGs shot in contrasty situations, especially into the sun. I am surprised at the relative dearth.
I don't do pixel peeping. I shoot into the light A LOT, so shadow latitude is very important to me - that is what I was looking for. The observations about mushiness and purple fringing were an accidental discovery.

No amount of stitching will overcome poor performance in shadow performance. And the Air3S seems to be struggling in that department. I just don't understand how DJI can claim improved DR based on the images I have seen so far.

I would love to get my hands on more DNGs shot in contrasty situations, especially into the sun. I am surprised at the relative dearth.
You picked the right drone for your use.
Enjoy it. No Air 3S for you.
Shoot can still your Free Panoramas manually and stitch them yourself.
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