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Battery storage method.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2020
How do you store your batteries? At which level you leave them and for how much? What are the consequences if they are not stored properly? Personally, i charge them all to 100% and then i only wait them to reach 70% and go in storage mode automatically. Is this a good method? Thanks.
Letting DJI mange your Smart batteries will prolong their use, even if you give up a few cycle charges over the life of the batteries. Historically, users upgrade their drones and their batteries long before the life of the batteries ever become an issue. It's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic! No worries! Fly the heck out of them and enjoy the drone! Obsessing over battery maintenance is penny wise and pound foolish!
Letting DJI mange your Smart batteries will prolong their use, even if you give up a few cycle charges over the life of the batteries. Historically, users upgrade their drones and their batteries long before the life of the batteries ever become an issue. It's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic! No worries! Fly the heck out of them and enjoy the drone! Obsessing over battery maintenance is penny wise and pound foolish!
Well, i want to keep this drone for at least 3.5 other years, cause it is very expensive.
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Well, i want to keep this drone for at least 3.5 other years, cause it is very expensive.
Batteries are an item of consumption, and 200 full charge cycles is all you can expect under the best of circumstances. Unless you are flying multiple flights every day (in which case battery management is moot anyway!), letting DJI manage your batteries is still the best option. If you fly that frequently, you are far more likely to crash your drone before you wear out your batteries! Don't be pennywise and pound foolish. Also, MA2 batteries are cheap, by comparison to M2 and P4P batteries.
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Batteries are an item of consumption, and 200 full charge cycles is all you can expect under the best of circumstances. Unless you are flying multiple flights every day (in which case battery management is moot anyway!), letting DJI manage your batteries is still the best option. If you fly that frequently, you are far more likely to crash your drone before you wear out your batteries! Don't be pennywise and pound foolish. Also, MA2 batteries are cheap, by comparison to M2 and P4P batteries.
I fly around twice per week. And i never crashed a drone. So I guess it will last that long.
I fly around twice per week. And i never crashed a drone. So I guess it will last that long.
Indeed! As to crashing, it is not whether but when. Just like driving a car, the more miles you drive annually, the higher the risk of an accident, even if it isn't your fault. Birds can attack, or even other drones can run into your drone and cause a crash, especially with the new low bar to entry set at a Mini 2 sold at every CostCo for $449!
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Indeed! As to crashing, it is not whether but when. Just like driving a car, the more miles you drive annually, the higher the risk of an accident, even if it isn't your fault. Birds can attack, or even other drones can run into your drone and cause a crash, especially with the new low bar to entry set at a Mini 2 sold at every CostCo for $449!
I know it can be an accident.
But i wonder if the batteries will go for another 3.5 years and still giving me 22 minutes of flight time.
I know it can be an accident.
But i wonder if the batteries will go for another 3.5 years and still giving me 22 minutes of flight time.
They won't. Flight time degrades a little bit with each full charge cycle. If you want to maintain 22 minutes of flight time, you will be replacing your batteries long before their useful life, which is roughly to 80% of the original flight time, after 200 full charge cycles.
How do you store your batteries? At which level you leave them and for how much? What are the consequences if they are not stored properly? Personally, i charge them all to 100% and then i only wait them to reach 70% and go in storage mode automatically. Is this a good method? Thanks.
My storage method may be considered over-kill by some, but I really don't care. I do what I do to feel safe and to extend the life of my batteries as long as I can. They are expensive.
I first charge them to 100 percent, then I put each of them in their own lipo fire-retardant bag, and then I keep them all in a small metal ammo box that I've drilled holes into--to let out any smoke in case they DO catch fire and to relieve any pressure and I keep them in a cool area of my home away from any thing that could catch fire. I also sit the boxes onto of a brick. Once I month I check the battery levels to make sure they have not fallen below their automatic lower level, and then I charge them again to 100 percent. So far, so good.
If I don't use a charged battery within a day of charging, I will not wait on self-discharge, I will go ahead and discharge to storage (50-60%). And likewise only charge them to 2 or 3 lights blinking (storage)...Then fully charge a day before mission...
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