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Battery times charged reset


New Member
May 29, 2019
I beleive my batteries were over 150+ times charged, and they now show around 70 each.
Is there a counter limit, or i managed to reset it somehow?
The drone is moded with SP, and the batteries are marked as non DJI in the assistant.

Just trying to figure it out the real times charged.
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Im sorry I dont have anything super helpful at this time but I would like to add a few things. First, could you fill me in on what the "SP" mod is?

Regarding your battery counter situation, have you ever seen the counters reporting above 70? Is the 150 number a guesstimate based on your experience, or have you been keeping a rough tally, apart from the software counter?

I only ask because I found out awhile back that the software counter keeps count of how many 0-100% cycles each of your packs have had.

So, if youve flown 2 completely separate flights, discharging full 100% down to halfway, 50%, then after, you fully charged it both times, I believe the software will only report 1 charge cycle even though you put on charger twice. (Im going off others on the forum, and not direct knowledge, so this may be incorrect? It was awhile ago.)

Anyway, worth mentioning, although if your modding your AC for non-DJI packs then thats a more likely candidate for your counters acting up.

Probably couldve said all this in many less words, but thats a failing of mine.

Good luck
Thanks JZ,
Last time I checked they were above 150. Now checking after months of usage, they are less.. strange.
As SP I was refering to DJI_Super-Patcher, but it should not be related to the counters.
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