I'm up early for the 2 hour drive to the Whiskey Gap. It's cold. The lonely winding road leads toward the promise of a moody, tranquil dawn.
As the mountains engulf me in their immense presence, so does the thick mist as it lumbers low to the ground, as if weighted by some unknown force.
As darkness gives way to light, the fog begins to raise its weary head and rise toward the towering summits. The dark silhouettes of spruce and pine dotting the ridgeline cast long ghostly shadows as the sun awakens from its slumber.
It's a new day, fresh with wonder and stillness...this is daybreak
As the mountains engulf me in their immense presence, so does the thick mist as it lumbers low to the ground, as if weighted by some unknown force.
As darkness gives way to light, the fog begins to raise its weary head and rise toward the towering summits. The dark silhouettes of spruce and pine dotting the ridgeline cast long ghostly shadows as the sun awakens from its slumber.
It's a new day, fresh with wonder and stillness...this is daybreak
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