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Mini 2 Daytona Beach, FL

Extremely dangerous to fly along Daytona Beach. Many banner aircraft along with Helo tours makes the Daytona Beach a NFZ for me.
Extremely dangerous to fly along Daytona Beach. Many banner aircraft along with Helo tours makes the Daytona Beach a NFZ for me.
There's an altitude restriction in force (200ft) which I flew quite a way below for the vast majority of my flights. Any Heli tour or banner pilot flying low enough to be at risk of hitting my drone would have been pushing their luck (bordering on flying irresponsibly) anyway as there are lots of people out with kites, lots of sea birds, plenty of people with drones (I counted 3 just in the area surrounding me) and more importantly there are tall buildings nearby.

I don't think it's anywhere near as dangerous as you suggest if a bit of common sense is applied and restrictions adhered to. The one beach I did chicken out of flying at was Clearwater - there was just way too much air traffic for my liking despite it being unrestricted airspace.
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