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4 inch pistons

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2022
eastern NC
When I got my Avata2 I was reading about the controller 3 only working with the Avata 2 and FPV 2 but I haven’t heard any news or rumors. I was hoping that there would be some noise by now. The fact that DJI mentioned that makes me think that something is on the way.
Probably referring to the Air Unit that can be added to homebuilt and 3rd party FPV drones, not a Gen 2 DJI FPV.

I also strongly suspect if a next generation version of the DJI FPV is ever released, it will be renamed.
The O3 Air units sells are still tremendous!!
I can see an Air unit 4 and an FPV 2 in the NEAR future (x-mas). maybe the Air unit first? IF the FCC will stamp them.
The O3 Air units sells are still tremendous!!
I can see an Air unit 4 and an FPV 2 in the NEAR future (x-mas). maybe the Air unit first? IF the FCC will stamp them.

Do you think there's a big enough market for a DJI FPV 2?

I don't (pure speculation), and that's my reasoning for why we haven't seen one, while we've had two Avatas and a gaggle of goggles in the interim, with substantial investment in supporting FPV on new camera drones.

What's your thinking that leads you to believe an FPV 2 is in the works?
I think it sold well enough for a second edition. Plus I have watched the usual rumor mills. DJI also talked about an FPV 2 some time ago. The FPV model is a niche market and won't sell in near the numbers of the avata. I think it will happen perhaps soon.
NOW Hopefully they will fix what they started ( the original FPV is a great Drone and lots of fun BUT they are impossible to work on in the field and if you fly FPV you know what a deal killer that can be.---- I hope they do, The FPV is a fun drone to fly it would be a bit nicer not to have to worry about slamming it into the side of a race gate though!
Ideally it will be lots easier to fix, and--- It would be nice if DJI would join the party and let me customize it!! Hey DJI meets Betaflight now we're racin! ------- Never gonna happen:(
Do you think there's a big enough market for a DJI FPV 2?

I don't (pure speculation), and that's my reasoning for why we haven't seen one, while we've had two Avatas and a gaggle of goggles in the interim, with substantial investment in supporting FPV on new camera drones.

What's your thinking that leads you to believe an FPV 2 is in the works?
I think there is room for an FPV2 but maybe not an FPV3 since it might be time to merge the two (FPV+Avata). The FPV is a good drone but it's only good and DJI is often not satisfied to stop at just "good." FPV is big and heavy, the range is not that great, the Goggles/RC it works with is quickly becoming outdated, it has no real RID, the camera could be alot better, and it's been a few years.

I can assure you DJI doesn't only product drones that are in super high demand. Sometimes they product drones because it makes sense and sometimes they do things and put it out there knowing the customers will come. If the FPV2 launches tomorrow, I will get one before I get Avata2 (and I already have FPV1 and Avata1). Instead, other facts like price/cost play a more important role. If there's a delay, it's likely because they have technical problems or issues; long delays are rarely caused by non-technical reasons using it's about supply chain. I might be off base here but I always find it funny that so many people (not you) believe these tech companies are being run by their marketing and sales department. That's so 1990s.
I agree that DJI isn't unwilling to serve small and/or niche markets. What I do think DJI is unwilling to do is lose money.

I sincerely hope you guys are right. I want one too. Some of those mockups from a few years ago were pretty cool.

I'm just skeptical with the Avata line and FPV support for camera drones, sales of an FPV 2 won't recoup sunk R&D, marketing, and sales costs. Hence the seeming death of the product line.

Any good, recent rumors, please share!
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