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Drone actions when approaching an obstruction?


Oct 4, 2018
When the onboard sensors detect a forward obstruction will the Mavic 2 Pro always stop and then try to go around the obstruction or can the obstacle avoidance system be programmed to try to go above the obstacle?
I should clarify my question. When flying a waypoint mission (such as with Litchi) and encountering an obstacle in front of the drone, will it always try to go around that obstacle as opposed to over the obstacle and on to the next waypoint?
For the Go app, under normal flight mode AC will stop if obstacle is detected. If APAS is enabled, then AC will try and go around the obstacle. Same is true for activetrack and some other intelligent flight modes.
I can't say if Lichi is able or willing to avoid obstacles. I would think the needed API is there, but a lot has changed with M2 so Litchi might not yet be updated for the changes.
From experience (si) the latest version of Lichi the aircraft will try to avoid the obstacle by going around it and if that fails the aircraft will just stop. This is when using Litchi in the Waypoint mode. The aircraft wants to continue flying to the next programmed waypoint. But with a grove of trees, the most likely result appears to be that the aircraft will end up stopping and waiting for the operator (PIC) to switch to FPV mode and increase altitude to fly away. Not sure if Litchi also has a selection in waypoint mission mode where it would also do the same.
Might want to ask on the Litchi forum since that seem to be you real question. Would be interesting to find a wall to see if it will go over rather than around. Might just choose the shortest path it can see that is clear.
I did check with Litchi and they said that if loss of signal the aircraft would continue to fly the preloaded mission. As far as obstacle avoidance they said the aircraft would try to go around the obstacle as apposed to over it. Interesting in some scenarios!
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