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Drone Down!


New Member
Nov 15, 2018
Hey guys.

Lost my Mavic Pro this past Sunday. Wind was blowing a little, but turned out to be much worse as I approached my intended location. Turned around with over 75% battery and still didn't make it back. We double timed it out to the last known location and searched for hours, but due to my lack of experience, I failed to notice that the flight data still showed it in flight when it stopped recording. I'm back home now and after studying the info have come up with a estimation that it could have traveled another 660 feet along the path it was going before coming down. My buddy is still in the town I lost it in and wants to look more tomorrow morning. Is there a way for me to share the file with him, and also get a more educated opinion on what I have to go by?
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Ok, lets see if I did this right.


  • DJIFlightRecord_2018-11-11_[10-36-07].txt
    1.6 MB · Views: 24
There were a lot of violent and erratic movements on the way back (see crazy flight-path below). Despite the strong headwind (~21mph), It should have made it home if it was flown back in a straight line.

The log recorded the drone auto-landing down to 7.6m above the ground. It should be at or very close at the last coordinates from the log.
I would go look at 34°26'20.09"N 114°16'17.71"W

2018-11-16 09_13_13-Empty _ C__Users_lsp_Desktop_DJIFlightRecord_2018-11-11_[10-36-07].txt.png

2018-11-16 09_26_52-Google Earth Pro.png
Thanks for your responses. Once I came even with the mountain point that was to my left on the return flight, it would not maintain forward movement above 1 mph. I searched different altitudes looking for lower wind speeds. It was pretty much flying itself towards the end. I plotted a search path for my friend who is still in the area, but haven't heard back yet. Another question I have is once the drone showed it was auto landing, a few seconds later, an BW image appeared in the lower left corner of the control screen. Is this triggered upon landing? Was it a live video or a snapshot?
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