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Drone stuck in a tall pillar on commercial property - what to do next?


New Member
Jan 24, 2021
Have been flying my Mavic Air for two years and had my first crash because of my own stupid mistake--I was flying over some warehouses, was paying too much attention to the video feed and hadn't realized the drone was coming up against a tall pillar that was sticking out. The pillar is made out of metal struts, and the drone flew through the struts and got stuck inside.

I can see from the video feed approximately where it was, but because the pillar is quite tall, I couldn't see the drone from the ground. (I estimate it's probably ~80ft up.) Also because it was the weekend, nobody was on site, so there was nothing else I could really do except leave it there.

Because it's been raining since I left, I'm calling the drone a total loss and made peace with it. However, what should I do next? Should I go back to the site this week and tell them that a drone is stuck there? My main worry is that the drone might be stuck in some precarious position, and that someday, (maybe with a strong wind) it might get loose and fall onto the ground and hit something. But because the drone is so high up there, I didn't see a good way for anyone to get up there, except with a very tall bucket lift or something.

Any advice on how to handle this situation?
Guess I'd be inclined to tell them what happened. That the on-board battery is dead. That you don't need the drone back. And if they do maintenance or retrieve it or whatever reason, you'd appreciate a call.

You've nothing to lose coming clean, as I assume the FAA ID label is on there in any case. Sorry for the loss.
Don't knw what the positioning is exactly, but I have seen one drone rescue another with a line and hook arrangement... but depending on the situation you could risk both drones.

I've also used a bow and arrow (with rubber tip) and the arrow had a fishing line attached to it, shot it over my aircraft (in my case it was an electric r/c plane) and when I got the line over it I was able to pull the line and make it fall to the ground.

3rd option is what Bumper said above - fess up and hope they get it to you one day.

Just FYI, rain is not necessarily doom for your drone, depending on how long it stays wet and how quick you can dry it out.
Perhaps a buddy with larger quad like a Phantom or an Inspire could be of help. You could brainstorm a plan to bring it down. I'd definitely let someone know though.
As far as the rain and being ruined I wouldn’t
Be to quick to assume damage..
Real quickly I’ll tell u a true story of my Mavic pro...
Years ago I screwed up and lost signal, the Mavic self landed on a mans roof.
We searched for a good week and nothing.
Finally after 30 days of enduring torrential rain, wind, and etc, the Mavic was found..
I too thought it a loss until I but in a different battery and fired her up...
Not one single problem with the Mavic but the battery that had been onboard at time was ruined...
I think u should dry it completely before starting but the moral is not to write ur drone off yet..
Go tell them ur story and hopefully they can help u recover ur drone..
Best of wishes
As far as the rain and being ruined I wouldn’t
Be to quick to assume damage..
Real quickly I’ll tell u a true story of my Mavic pro...
Years ago I screwed up and lost signal, the Mavic self landed on a mans roof.
We searched for a good week and nothing.
Finally after 30 days of enduring torrential rain, wind, and etc, the Mavic was found..
I too thought it a loss until I but in a different battery and fired her up...
Not one single problem with the Mavic but the battery that had been onboard at time was ruined...
I think u should dry it completely before starting but the moral is not to write ur drone off yet..
Go tell them ur story and hopefully they can help u recover ur drone..
Best of wishes
Love to hear stories like this about Mavic Pro!!!

I would definitely approach the building owners/management.
WELCOME to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your incident but it happens to all of us at some point.

I'd go back when the company is open and let them know what happened just because it's the right thing to do. Integrity goes a long way.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

Get some binoculars and look up and down the pillar(s). A good bet is that it may have hit one and dropped like a rock and could be at the base.

Getting with the business is a good idea. Have them look around the base of it and you may find it there.
Welcome to the forum and enjoy.

Please use one of the best forum search options.

Please share your pictures, videos and knowledge about your drones.

Yes go and tell them so they do not find it later then have the police track you down.
Thanks for all the helpful responses! I paid a visit there today, explained what happened, and apologized profusely. They seemed nice about it and appreciated me telling them, and said they'll look for it and give me a call if they find it. (The weather was rainy and windy, and definitely wasn't good for being out and about.)
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