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Air 2s Evening Seaside

With some color grading and the removal of those quick turns, it would be a good video
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Reactions: sarahb
Yeah, you're finding some good lines there, and the footage is great (not so sure it needs much in the way of grading myself) but your yaw rate seems very fast for cinematic filming, so I suggest you maybe slow that down (certainly in Cine mode) in the rates adjust settings.

You haven't asked for advice specifically I notice, but if you did want some I would agree with some of the above where we could edit out the turns / stops altogether and just fade / cut between the straight tracking shots.

It's not a bad soundtrack (sucker for a nice DX7 myself!) but any sense of zen serenity we were getting from that and your lovely smooth shots was somewhat compromised when it all just stopped at the end ! So my biggest advice for better video would be to always do a 'resolution' or closer shot for your shoots, maybe of the drone coming in to land, or at least descending, and time that with the end of the music, or fade it out over titles etc...
Nice view but some motion during your side panning would be helpful, they’re too abrupt when stationary.. or delete them altogether. A bit of up close and personal adds a nice touch too. Keep it up and they’ll get better each time.

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