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Flying a mainland Chinese purchased Mavic Pro in the UK


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
I'm visiting the UK soon, and would like to take my mavic. I've searched the menus in vain to change the GPS settings so they'll work in the UK.

Can anyone enlighten me?Thanks
I think he's talking about FCC (or whatever the standard in China is) vs European CE transmitter power levels ?
There are no GPS setting you can make atleast none that I know of. Turn off option for mainland China Maps. Thats is the only thing I can think of.
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I think he's talking about FCC (or whatever the standard in China is) vs European CE transmitter power levels ?
No, it's not that, although I'd like to up the transmitter power.

China uses a different system of GPS co-ordinates from the rest of the world. They did this in an attempt to retain control of their mapping. If you tried using Google maps (on say, an iPhone) in mainland China, then your true position would be offset by about half a kilometer, rendering it all but useless. Google did a workaround about five years ago (EVIL_TRANSFORM) that fixed things, at which point China blocked all things google (now google maps shows your correct position but you can't download the maps). The point is, the problem is solved for cellphones, but for cruder devices, that don't have an operating system and a user interface, like bicycle computers, and drones, it will still be an issue.

Use a Mavic in mainland China, and the maps are provided by Baidu, which doesn't map the UK. So you need to use Google, and fix the offset problem. There is a setting for this in the menu (I'm told), but I can't find it.
Try general setting, the “...”. I dont have the mavic on to check for you. Last flight I did on the DJI GO4 was the phantom so that is where I am looking.
No, it's not that, although I'd like to up the transmitter power.

China uses a different system of GPS co-ordinates from the rest of the world. They did this in an attempt to retain control of their mapping. If you tried using Google maps (on say, an iPhone) in mainland China, then your true position would be offset by about half a kilometer, rendering it all but useless. Google did a workaround about five years ago (EVIL_TRANSFORM) that fixed things, at which point China blocked all things google (now google maps shows your correct position but you can't download the maps). The point is, the problem is solved for cellphones, but for cruder devices, that don't have an operating system and a user interface, like bicycle computers, and drones, it will still be an issue.

Use a Mavic in mainland China, and the maps are provided by Baidu, which doesn't map the UK. So you need to use Google, and fix the offset problem. There is a setting for this in the menu (I'm told), but I can't find it.

Wow, I didn't even know this. I bought mine in China as well... 'cause it was the same thing (went to the actual DJI store) but saved me some money. I'd be curious to know what you find out.
Wow, I didn't even know this. I bought mine in China as well... 'cause it was the same thing (went to the actual DJI store) but saved me some money. I'd be curious to know what you find out.
Sounds like it's automatic, and I don't need to do anything. If you buy it on the mainland (and so it is set up for use on the mainland) and yet it works fine outside China, then the app must detect that you are no longer on the mainland, and change the settings for you.
Sounds like it's automatic, and I don't need to do anything. If you buy it on the mainland (and so it is set up for use on the mainland) and yet it works fine outside China, then the app must detect that you are no longer on the mainland, and change the settings for you.

Got it. I do see Google maps open just fine from the app. I didn't use my app and add the Mavic 2 until I was back home here in the US.
The setting you are looking for is in :
General Settings --> Calibrate Map Coordinates (For China Mainland)


You need to turn this off to show the correct GPS location outside of China.
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