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Getting bored


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2017
I love all things aviation related...commercial full scale pilot, fly RC electric and turbine planes and drones. But I am getting bored with recreational/photo drone flying. All the fun and interesting places are off limits. I don’t fly even in the rural area I live because while legal, I know drones are noisy and obtrusive to most and I don’t want my neighbors to be annoyed as I would be were I not a drone enthusiast. It gets boring flying over BLM land looking at cows. No ocean or lakes here. Most forested and interesting areas are Nat’l Parks, wildlife reserves, etc. Anyone feel the same or have ideas to spice it up a bit?
Sounds like you need a ROAD TRIP:cool: I do feel your pain tho. Can't tell you how many times I did not fly just because other people were around, that I didn't want to intrude on, and these were all legal places to fly out in the country. Now there taking more places away to fly in .
Flying a Mavic can be boring if you are coming from the RC aviation world. Almost all of the Mavics functions are geared around it being the perfect aerial photography platform. Most photographers are not 3d RC pilots, but are more artists trying to get a job done with the least amount of effort flying the vehicle to get to the shoot and back. They sacrifice instability for stability willingly.

If flying a Mavic is getting boring, how about getting a racing drone? That will get your adrenaline flowing, do 3d as well or better than any fixed wing, and best of all, you get to repair it when it crashes, which they all do eventually ;)
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Here, where I live, (4 Corners area) there are about 4 million acres of public land, many with, what I call geological wonders on them, arches, bridges, Hoodoo, etc. Lots of Monuments but few National parks Just lucky, I guess.
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