I made a classic MP mistake - taking off for a short demo flight (under a tree) with a low battery. Within a couple of minutes it went into RTH and went up into the tree before I could stop it. After trying to make a path up through the tree for 10 seconds, the props stopped and it fell 20 feet onto a gravel road. It seemed OK on a short flight afterwards (and 2 new props).
However, frequently now the camera shakes up and down with a warning message "Gimbal Shake Error". I also cannot push the gimbal storage clip down all the way, and the clear plastic camera cover won't snap all the way down, indicating to me that the camera is sticking out too far.
I suspect that the metal plate in the attached picture should be underneath the little black plastic tab. When I push that plate (mounted on rubber bands) forward as much as possible, it won't go far enough to go over the end of the tab (by about 1/16 of an inch) to drop down underneath it. I don't want to force it more than I already have.
Is that plastic tab easy to temporarily remove?
Can I shave off that last 1/16 inch?
Any other suggestions?
However, frequently now the camera shakes up and down with a warning message "Gimbal Shake Error". I also cannot push the gimbal storage clip down all the way, and the clear plastic camera cover won't snap all the way down, indicating to me that the camera is sticking out too far.
I suspect that the metal plate in the attached picture should be underneath the little black plastic tab. When I push that plate (mounted on rubber bands) forward as much as possible, it won't go far enough to go over the end of the tab (by about 1/16 of an inch) to drop down underneath it. I don't want to force it more than I already have.
Is that plastic tab easy to temporarily remove?
Can I shave off that last 1/16 inch?
Any other suggestions?