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Gimbal shake error


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
I did a search and made sure the gimbal support bands are in place. the edges of the gimbal are not over the brackets in the front or rear. It is all in good condition.
However, immediately upon lift off, the app says gimbal shake error. You can visibly see it shake rapidly. If I fly with it, you can see it in the video feed and eventually it locks up and I have to use RTH to get back as the signal is frozen.
I've tried two sets of MPP propellers on my MPP. I'm about to buy some MP propellers and try them.
Any suggestions.
I've run up the motors without propellers and the shafts feel really smooth.
I've flow quadcopters for about 12 years and it surely feels (don't call me Surely), like out of balance propellers.
For crashes, once it did a RTH vertically into a tree. It got caught in the branches, did not fall to the ground. No visible of scratches or damage, but 3 broken propellers. I replaced them all with new ones.
I put Original Mavic blades (non-MMP) blades on my MMP and the vibration went away. Seems when I put two or more of the MMP propellers on, it starts to vibrate. I need to figure which blades are bad.
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Can you record the Mavic in a hover to show the gimbal and mavic stability ? Maybe just launch it up with the RC and record it with your mobile ??

Also have you checked that the arms are going into the correct position and are not being held back in anyway.
Check that you don't have propeller
protectors set in the app.
In my case this caused serious shaking when flown without them.
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